Sports, Politics, and Netflix are Keeping You From Making Money

Podcasts are free.

Most books on Amazon are between $5.99 and $16.99.

There are literally billions of videos on YouTube for free.

Coaching is affordable.


And on and on and on.


Additionally, services that will help you and enhance your business’ social media are affordable, and many of them can make a huge impact for you (and save your time).


With a world of resources (again, many of them free) in front of you and your business, what is preventing you from being a lifelong learner?  What is keeping you from growing every single day of the week?


Is it Netflix?

Is it politics?

Is it video games?

Is it sports radio?

Is it scrolling?


Each of those things may have a place, but are they helping you and your business grow?  Are they helping you reach your goals for you and your family?


Here is the good news.  You don’t have to be discouraged or beat yourself up.  You can commit today.  Today is the day you can set aside the time consumers that are keeping you and your business from growing.


Even a 30-day committed plan will have an impact. 

So, give yourself grace, start today. 

And watch your goals and dreams move one step closer.


As always, please let us know how we can help.


Gordon Duncan



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Hear Me, “Don’t Let Your Business Be Average!”