Key Learnings from January 2021

After years of independent consulting, I joined forces with a friend and created Concept to Profit (CTP) Marketing and Consulting.  After a year or so, we realized that CTP was a bit unwieldy, so we rebranded to Capitalize Marketing and Consulting.  Simultaneously, I left my full-time job to make Capitalize my focus. 


We spent a few months getting a foothold on our new business, and we saw January 2021 as an official launch of the new business.  We had our mission, our focus, and enough directed energy to make a go of things. 


As February begins, it’s time to reflect on a few key learnings from the first month of the year.  Here is what we’ve learned.


Celebrate the Wins – No matter how big or small, every win needs its own celebration.  At Capitalize, we have clients as small as $20 a month and as large as thousands.  We are committed to treating each client as a gift and we value them – no matter their bottom-line contribution.  This approach recognizes the value of each client and helps us maintain momentum and enthusiasm.


Set Time Limits on Discouragement – We put in a bid on a huge contract.  We weren’t overconfident, but we really felt like this one was ours.  We didn’t get it, and there was little we could have done to change their mind.  It just wasn’t meant to be, and we were discouraged.  So, we felt it…for the day.  All day, we were bummed, but we made up our mind that the next day was just that:  another day.  We weren’t going to let one setback keep us from growth and caring for our clients.  Limiting discouragement keeps the “no’s” from being too big.


Constantly Innovate – Innovation is the nature of growth.  At Capitalize, we are committed to finding new ways to care for our clients and growing as professionals.  Towards that end, both my owner and I have become John Maxwell coaches, and the training has helped us so much.  Now, we are able to offer structured, supported coaching, and our clients will benefit from it.  Additionally, with constant innovation, we will never get bored.


So, January was fantastic – even with its ups and downs.  Now, the goal of February (the shortest month in the year) to make it even better than January. 


Gordon Duncan




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