The Opportunity Your Business Has in the New Political Climate

In the new political climate, your business has an immense opportunity for impact. 


That impact extends beyond who is in office.

That impact extends beyond who is on the supreme court.

That impacts extends beyond any changing policy.


Right now, your business’ greatest opportunity for impact is to keep the main thing the main thing. 


Deliver superior products.

Serve your clients, customers, and patients with the highest of standards.

Care for them more than anybody else.


And don’t let the changing tides of politics discourage you.


Yes, taxes might change. 

Mandates about gathering are unpredictable.

National events may distract everyone.


Just don’t give up.

Fear poverty more than failure.

Renew your commitment to yourself, your family, and your community.


And give every ounce of your work day to making your business the absolutely best it can be.


If Capitalize can be an encouragement to you, please let us know.


Gordon Duncan




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