Imposter Syndrome is Real

Imposter Syndrome is Real!


Imposter Syndrome is the fear that everyone is going to find out that you don’t know what you are doing. 


You fear that you are pretending to be a business owner, professional, or entrepreneur, and you are only one second away from being found out.


Here’s the truth!  We all feel that way sometimes.  I know I do, but the good news is it is possible to feel less that way over time. 


How?  3 Ways…


Invest in getting better every day through podcasts, videos, and educational events.

Invest in a coach who can teach you what they know and help you avoid mistakes.

And finally, invest in yourself.  Be the healthiest version of yourself mentally and physically.


If you do this every day, that fear of being an imposter will gradually slip away.


Capitalize Marketing and Consulting has a few resources that will help you along the way.  We offer...


One-on-One Business Coaching


Group Marketing Coaching


And our online Capitalize Your Best program that will help you create marketing campaigns or even walk you through creating an online coaching program yourself.


Kick that Imposter Syndrome Fear in the Rear, and reach out today!




Christmas in July


It’s Not Your Fault If Your Business Has Not Grown